Big Sky Resort is a ski resort located in southern Montana, in the south of Big Sky Bozeman, Montana. Big Sky has increased during the last 30 years in a large ski resort, which includes a golf course and tennis courts. Because of its large size, with more than 150 tracks, ski prices have risen again to $ 75. Big Sky shares its highest mountain, Lone Peak, near Moonlight Basin. The Lone Peak Pass combines the two resorts Moonlight Basin making it accessible from the summit via Lone Peak and Challenger Lift.
* 1 Resort History
* 2 Activities
* 3 Lone Peak Tram
* 4 External Links
[Edit] Historic Resort
The station was the idea of NBC Newscaster Chet Huntley, a native of Montana, and was opened in December 1973. After three seasons of skiing, Boyne USA Resorts bought the station in 1976. In 1995, the construction of the station the signing Lone Peak Tram has been completed. By early 2000, the $ 50 million Summit at Big Sky dollar project was completed, which added a new hotel at the foot of the slopes of Lone Peak and Andesite Mountain. In April 2001, Boyne USA have announced $ 400 million in improvements over the next ten years at Mountain Village and the ski area.
[Edit] Activities
Big Sky is known for its winter activities, which include land ski and snowboard, a park, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, but it has become an attraction increasingly popular summer as well. The riding and hiking the trails are available on the mountain, golf and tennis with the lowest available by Prairie Village. Fly fishing and rafting are popular on the Gallatin River.
[Edit] Lone Peak Tram
The Lone Peak Tram is a lift to the Big Sky Resort, which starts at the top of the Lone Peak Triple chairlift and unloading at the summit of Lone Peak at 11166 feet (3403 m). Opened in 1995, the tram is a 3-minute drive for 15 passengers and travels vertical 1450 feet (442 m) over a distance of 2828 feet (862 m), with two cabins traveling in opposite directions. It provides access to the most difficult terrains in Big Sky Resort and Moonlight Basin in the vicinity. Construction was completed in 1995 by the high altitude Matrix construction company based in Alaska.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Big Sky Resort
Diposting oleh Indra di 3:14 PM 0 komentar
Saturday, February 2, 2008
[Getting there] [Links] [RoadTrip Facts] A scenic drive to Death Valley National Park is unbelievable any time during the year, but weather conditions are often ideal for a trip in winter and spring, when temperatures in the valley of the Furnace Creek Visitor Center range from the middle 60 years to the low 80. Summer temperatures can easily exceed 115 degrees and require more careful planning to take full advantage of the wonders that this proposed park. Although several days would be needed to see all parts of the park, we decided to take a day trip from Las Vegas. Leaving Las Vegas, we drove south on Interstate 15 to Blue Diamond Road and turned west to begin our approach of spring on the mountain. This section of the road is known to the locals as "move to the Pahrump hump." As we have passed the town of Blue Diamond, the eye-catching colors of Red Rock Canyon was visible in the distance, on the side right of the road. We reviewed some of the burros and wild horses that we have seen in the past trips to this area. Despite the recent drought, we have seen the spring wildflowers are beginning to emerge, as we have reached the summit of the pass and descended into the Pahrump Valley. The so-called "oldest" (which is funny, since it is also the only) cave in Nevada is located in the town of Pahrump. After a short tour and a taste of the cave red, white and sherry, we followed the residents' road to the national park. The signs do not mention Death Valley, although it is the most direct route. Off to the north-west, we could see Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. The spring-fed riparian environment is home to the second largest population of endemic animals, fish and plants in North America. The reserve is also home to 24 species of plants and animals that are found here. The past, travel, we have seen some very rare Devil's Hole Pupfish. Death Valley Junction was the next point of interest. A company town originally built in 1923 by the Pacific Coast Borax Company, the crossroads of routes 127 and 190 California is not a post office, no more, but it has something more entertaining. Marta Becket and Thomas Willett has been delighting residents and tourists to the "famous" Amargosa Opera House since 1968 with their unique blend of dance and humor. They perform most evenings during the cooler months. Turning to the west of Death Valley Junction, we entered one of our favorite national parks, Death Valley. CA-190 follows the bottom of Furnace Creek Wash the geological past fantastic colors and tints of the Funeral Mountains to the right. For an overview of the valley, we rode up to one thousand views of Dante's View. From the parking area at 5475 feet, we could look down on the right near Badwater, which at 248 feet below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. Twenty Mule Team Canyon Twenty Mule Team Canyon Retracing our way back down the road, we passed breach in the wall of the canyon and turned left on the road to a dirt road across Twenty Mule Team Canyon. In several places, it is possible to see the tiny openings of the mine at Borax miners used to explore the cliffs to the vertical while mining desirable white mineral. The austere landscape and the amazing range of colors in the soil are breathtaking, but we are more amazed at the hardiness of the early miners who worked in such environments unforgiving. Death Valley dunes Death Valley, near the dunes Stovepipe Wells Returning to the road, we stopped to enjoy the stunning views of Zabriskie Point before heading north to see Death Valley's sand dunes. The dunes, which are worth exploring on foot if you have the time, are not far from Stovepipe Wells, one of the few water sources for early travellers in the valley. Our next step was the incomparable Artists Palette road just south of Mushroom Rock on the road to Badwater. Nine miles one-way paved the way through the foothills of the Black Mountains is a favorite of photographers, especially in the raking light of sunrise and sunset. The intense purple, green, red, brown, and are particularly acute in the late afternoon sun. Another favorite stop along the road to Badwater is the Devil's Golf. From the highway, the region resembles a flat, brown, white dirt patch, but almost brown spots are jagged spikes of salt crystal, some nearly two feet high. Continuing on the south, we have slowed to Badwater, but we could not stop because the parking lot is currently under reconstruction. Because of its extraordinary negative altitude, it is one of the most visited destinations in the park. By now the sun had set, and we proceeded south past the ruins of a transaction processing gold ore known as Ashford Mill, east of the town of Shoshone, and return to Las Vegas. With 3.3 million acres within its borders, Death Valley is huge, full of remarkable panoramas, ghost towns, breathtaking mountain scenery and extraordinary as the desert mysterious secrets of the stones sliding Racetrack Playa. A trip here is always an adventure! -- Mark Sedenquist March 17, 2003 | ||||
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Diposting oleh Indra di 8:23 AM 0 komentar
Winter Road Trips Tips
Planning a road trip through the snow and ice? These road-tested professional driving advice of the instructor Bob Schaller will help keep you safe, warm, and on the right track. RTA's Road Food Guru Dennis Weaver tells how to stay hydrated and fed by cold weather.
Before you drive, clarity of the snow and ice on the windows, hood, lights and the roof. Keep your own vehicle to help you be more visible to others. The vehicle maintenance is always important, but even more so in extreme climatic conditions. Make sure all these systems are in good working order ignition system, fuel system, belts, hoses, fluids, brakes, exhaust system, windshield wipers and exploitation, heating and defroster, cooling system, battery, and lights. Make sure you have winter-grade oil in the crankcase. Keep fuel-don't let it be below half before filling. Add the essence of anti-freeze if necessary.
Route food tips
RTA of food Guru's Road Dennis Weaver
If you travel on the main arteries and become stranded, a day's worth of food and water should be sufficient to support you to the finish. If you are traveling secondary roads, consider taking other. In the dark or in a storm, it is easy to miss a turn and finished at the end of a road from a distance.
To survive, you need a lot of calories, 2000 calories a day is not enough in cold weather. If you are active, you can use only twice. Pack foods that are filling and require no preparation. A bag of candy can provide calories needed, but will quickly become tiring and who do not meet if that is all you have to eat. Sandwiches, fruit, and cookies are better choices. A thermos of hearty stew is even better.
If you travel in the cold weather, remember that the food in the trunk will freeze. While a frozen sandwich may not be a big deal, a rock-hard apple. If you are stranded without heat in the car, stick these apples in your coat pocket where they will not freeze.
The water is as important as food. Because it is cold, you do not feel thirsty, but it is easy to get dehydrated in the winter. Pack six 16 oz bottles per day for a man and four for a woman. (Source: University of Michigan) And remember, that water freezes in the trunk, too.
Wheels and Traction: You must be at least 1/8-inch tire tread depth and a good inflation. The low temperatures have an effect on the drop in tire pressure-check frequently enough to keep inflation. Carry invest in chains or winter tires (mud and snow). In some states, you can use studded snow tires, but they are illegal in others. Traction devices often greatly increase your stopping distance, and therefore control of your vehicle carefully. "All season tires are not the best choice for poor conditions outside the sanded, immune to the streets of a city, make sure you have good snow tires lugged if you travel through Countries heavy snow.
Knowing the difference between the standard brakes and ABS, (click here to learn more about it) and how to use each. When using ABS, press on the brake and maintain. Do not release the pressure. With standard brakes, use threshold braking. Tap the brake pedal until the wheels start to lock, then release just enough pressure to run again. It is important to have your brakes so as not to pull to one side or the other.
Equipment recommended:
* CB Radio
* Mobile Phone
* Scraper and brush
* Folding shovel
* Jumper cables
* Rope tow
* Sand or cat litter (for traction)
* Flares
* Blankets
* The cold weather clothing (isolated)
* A good flashlight (cold kills batteries, make sure they wear fresh and spare
* High-energy food (see box)
* Drinking water
* Medications for long journeys.
* A box of lock de-icer (Do not use hot water on glass or locks-it will only
make things worse)
This is not the time to get stuck with a flat tire, so be sure to have a jack, and an ear key inflated spare tire in good condition.
Get last-minute information on weather and road conditions on your state's Department of Transportation (DOT) Web site is the best place to start. (For more information related to weather forecasting and reporting, click here.) You must have the latest weather information-FORECAST (like those in newspapers) are known for their lack of reliability! Ask about possible avalanche conditions along your route.
Last but not least: Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to arrive.
First, seat belts. (For more information on this subject here.) Then, do not in a hurry. Reduce your speed according to conditions. Reduce speed by 30% in rain, 50% in the snow. If the road is icy, reduce more. While it is important not to drive too fast, it is also important to continue to move forward and not go too slow you need to maintain the momentum of your vehicle chugging ahead in the snow, especially on grades .
Keep a light touch on the controls. When driving in snow and ice, the softness is the key. Sudden moves will almost certainly lead to a loss of traction on slippery roads, and at that point you are just a passenger you go where the car goes! More than any other factor, even the experience and competence, gentleness takes you.
Consider the future and leaving room for stopping or maneuvering before the vehicle begins to meet certain conditions. You need at least 8 to 10 seconds apart in winter conditions, and PLUS if the road could be icy.
Beginning brake, the brakes gently, without hindrance. If your wheels lock, you lose control, so keep them rolling. Do not be over because your car has traction, four-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, or any other device that makes you think you can speed in weather conditions faster than other people. Remember that 4WD does not provide any advantage in braking. It will take as much time as any other vehicle to stop.
Do not use electronic speed control if you might encounter slippery sections. If you lose traction and the car starts to skid, let up gradually from the accelerator, without touching the brakes. Leading the vehicle gently toward the direction you want it to go. When the tires start rolling again, gently slow down and stop if necessary. Breathe deeply. That always works for me…
Woods Canyon Lake, Arizona
More things to keep in mind:
Beware of carbon monoxide. Do not start your car in an enclosed area and let it rest with the cab closed.
Remember that the bridge surfaces, shadows, and low places where water can collect will be the first areas to freeze.
Remember that driving in poor conditions is tiring for leave much time for rest and continues to push it if you feel tired and sleepy.
If you do not, generally, the best thing is to remain in your vehicle and keep warm while you wait for help. Again, be careful about carbon monoxide and check your exhaust pipe. Clear away snow, ice and everything that can be blocking.
Do not take shortcuts in the winter to keep the main roads. Back roads may be plowed or patrolled, and if you get stuck, you may be there for a long time. Maybe before spring ...
Robert Schaller
October 30, 2005
Diposting oleh Indra di 8:18 AM 0 komentar